welcome to ghosting pen....

* hi and welcome to ghosting pen! come on in. sit down, listen to some tunes, read an educational article or two, or just parallel play... i don't judge here :3

* this site is my means of escape from social media, tucked away from the oppressive weight of the current state of the internet

* it will contain recommendations of media i enjoy, access to helpful resources i frequent, and more things that i love and want to share with the public. i love talking about the things i love, and this is my way of expressing myself and being able to do that...

* i'm the kind of person whose easiest way to make connections is through finding shared interests, so please chat with me if our special interests align. even if they don't, teach me something about your special interest anyway! i love getting emails if they're fun and educational.

* this website is best viewed on a computer or tablet, and it may not display as well on mobile! my deepest apologies

* i hope you have fun with it! it's currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION, so bear with me as i build this website bit by bit!

genderpunknonbinary lesbiangray aro-aceit/its
disabled (neurodivergent)partnered times 2cyberpunkfinal fantasy 14 reaper

like what i do?


no ai webring previous random next an image of a little blue toy robot in a red-tinted circle made of art from all over the world. there's a red line, also made of art, running through the robot. next to it are the words NO AI WEBRING / HUMAN MADE 100% GUARANTEED and then two arrows, one pointing left, one right

(this site isn't part of the webring... yet!)

Victor is dating Fenris from Dragon Age 2!


  • watching: unus annus compilations
  • reading: piranesi
  • working on: neuroticism chapter 5
  • next convention: anime boston


  • make remaining writing resource pages:
    • current writing process
    • general tips
  • recipes:
    • cherry tomato pasta
    • budae jigae
    • kimchi tuna fried rice
  • shrines:
    • undertale / deltarune
    • death note
    • persona 5
    • pokemon mystery dungeon